
musings on life & faith

Hello Friends, It’s Been a While

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I am not entirely certain how 4 months can slip by like it was a few hours, but that’s what it feels like right now. And despite posting nothing for FOUR ENTIRE MONTHS, I have actually still had some people looking at my website, which makes me feel slightly pleased but embarrassed at the same time. (The latter for lack of new posts.) There came a point in my mind where I decided to stop apologizing for not posting – being as no one is paying to see my thoughts, getting nothing for no money is getting your money’s worth. However, I still feel a sense of commitment to this blog and those who care to read it. An explanation seemed in order. So with that in mind, let’s explore what things I’ve done since mid-January.

I worked, full-time. Usually a couple hours over that actually. This is not exciting, but 40+ hours a week is a real time commitment, second only to sleeping.

I have been leading a women’s small group in my apartment, which loosely focuses on prayer. This began last fall, but continues to be part of my schedule. It generally meets once a week, but that’s somewhat flexible based on holidays and working around everyone’s schedules. I love this. I cannot begin to say how much. But in addition to the night we meet, I take a couple hours-ish to prepare. This is a commitment.

I was part of a women’s study through my church on One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp. In fact, I sort of helped lead it. It was a very enlightening perspective on thankfulness, and I recommend it if you can adapt to her poetic style. This was a commitment for me, both in preparation and meetings.

I went on a family vacation to Florida. Six days of mid-80’s while Minnesota was in the 50’s. It was delightful. Pool & hot tub were enjoyed, as well as lots of solid time with my niece. She is growing fast, getting teeth, and toddling around (but not solo yet). She likes looking at books and trying to get Cheerios into her mouth. Have I mentioned I love her dearly? (Oh, and the rest of my immediate family was there too, and I love them also.)

Beach Sunset in Florida, USA

Beach Sunset in Florida, USA

I celebrated another birthday. It was not especially eventful, since my “milestone birthdays” are basically past until middle age. However I can now say I am in my “early/mid-twenties”, which is weird, because I expected to feel like a “real adult” by now. Maybe by 30…

We also celebrated my dad’s birthday. Really at both parties, the focus was on my niece, and no one minded. Such is life.

I helped a friend move. She and her husband bought a house, and I was able to do some packing as well as carrying and hauling. (Some other friends moved too, but I wasn’t around for that one. I owe you.)

I went to a weekend women’s conference with my mom and sister. It was called “Your Beautiful Purpose”, and Susie Larson was the main speaker. She is wonderful by the way, I recommend her. She’s funny, encouraging, energetic, and she really knows God’s word. She has a lot of wisdom and blessing to share.

I spent weekends visiting friends, my parents, and other family members, including grandparents and my sister’s family. Obvious you can guess by now that seeing my niece is always the highlight of the time, when applicable. Getting to see both of my grandmas yesterday for mother’s day was lovely though, I am so blessed by both of them & my mom.

I have found various home-y touches for my apartment. This is more of a general time thing, since I probably make a trip to Target (or somewhere) every week. The latest addition is two teal Adirondack chairs for my balcony, and basil, mint, and purple cone flowers which I’ve potted. Not necessarily a time commitment, more like a record of time spent.

I could go on for a while, but that isn’t the point of this blog. If I wanted to give the internet a play-by-play of my life, I’d get Instagram/Twitter/other social media. This is more of an explanation for my prolonged absence, something I never intended at the time. One of life’s small disappointments for me is when a blog I deeply enjoy stops posting, made worse if I don’t know if they’ve stopped permanently or not.

All that explaining aside, I have spent a bit of time thinking if I want to continue blogging: clearly it’s less of a priority than it used to be. The answer is, I don’t know.

I started this blog originally to share my time in Europe with those I’d left in the US. Then I kept blogging, because I realized I love to write, and it was a great creative outlet for me. However, as my life in the city I moved to almost a year ago continues growing, and my involvement at church slowly grows, and time driving to see family grows, blogging has gotten smaller and smaller in my mind. Now, instead of thinking of what to blog about, I am thinking about what to prepare for small group. As much as I want to hang on, because I love this space and all the time I’ve spent here, I am wondering if I have come to the end of this time.

Here is where I leave you. I may or I may not post again, I don’t know the answer yet. If I do continue writing, it will be less often – whatever that means. If I do not, let me only say I have enjoyed spending time with you all, even the ones I’ve never met. I hope you have gotten something out of this, I know I have.

As always, thanks for reading.

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